
The weather was so hot that a man wanted to mow his lawn in the nude.

He ask his wife, “Honey, what would the neighbors think?”

She replied, “Probably that I married you for your money.”

At a wedding, a little boy asked his mother, “Mommy, why does the girl wear white?”

She answered, “The bride wears white because this is the happiest day of her life.”

The bogy thought about this and said, “Why is the groom wearing black?”

A man and his wife entered the dentist’s office.

The man said, “I want a tooth pulled. We’re in a big hurry, so forget about any pain killers.”

The dentist said, “You’re very brave. Which tooth is it?”

The man said to his wife, “Show him your bad tooth, honey.”

A gangster wanted to corrupt a politician. He offered a fancy diamond watch in return for a favor.

The politician said, “It’s bribery. I can’t accept it.”

The gangster said, “I’ll sell you the watch for $20 dollars instead.”

The politician smiled a great big smile. He answered, “In that case, I’ll take two.”

Some animals are smarter than humans.

Take the intelligent dolphin as an example. After just a few weeks in captivity, it can train humans to throw it fish.

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